Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How Do I Say It?

Sigh. I have butterflies in my stomach and I know what to say but don't want to say it but I do want to say it. I don't want to be preached at or told it is too soon, ect. ect., but I've signed up with LDSplanet. It's an online service. I've been a member for about a month. There's a number of stories I could tell already, but there is only one I want to tell, and his name is Jason. This feels so risky blogging about this, but I feel compelled. I might be making a mountain out of a molehill. It might turn into nothing, he might not be the guy for me, I don't know, but something is definitely happening. He's called me 6 nights in a row now. 6 nights! In a row! And it's always him that calls! And it's always 3-5 hour conversations. I'm not exaggerating. Okay, so now you're all dying, who is he. Okay. He contacted me. He revealed two nights ago the reason. I have a line in my profile that says, "and I'm very conservative politically, so if you are a liberal, don't bother." He told me that I'm prettier than women that usually think that way. He then compared me to Anne Coulter. He said, "Take Anne Coulter for instance, everytime I see her on TV I think, Anne you need to gain some weight, and I don't like fake blonds. She's a fake blond. I don't know why anyone would die their hair blond, when they're hair is brown. It looks terrible." Okay, so all of those words are just music to my ears. And then last night, when we were deep into politics, I gave my opinion on something, and said "of course I'm just a regular person, you probably have a different view" (he works in politics). He laughed and said "Rebecca, you are not a regular person. You are so not a regular person." I asked him if he meant with politics, and he said no, he meant in everything. I need to back up and tell you about him. He's from Pennsylvania. He's in Alabama right now working on a governor campaign, for Judge Moore, known as the 10 commandment judge. He's 36, he joined the church when he was 27, he's been engaged once, never married, no kids. His family are not members of the church and are a bunch of democrats still pining over Hillary : ) Because of his work, he can't go to church every Sunday. He says he wants to quit the rock and roll lifestyle of campaigns and settle down. He says this will probably be his last campaign and he might not even stick out the whole campaign. Of course the church thing makes me nervous, so last night I made my goals very clear. Meaning, even though my first try at marriage was a disaster in the end, I'm not giving up, and that I want to get married again, and that I want that to happen in the temple. He claims he wants the same thing, and thinks I shouldn't want anything less.

Sigh. My head is in a whirlwind. We email throughout the day, the past two days he's even called me during the day too. I think about him all of the time. I'm a lot happier. I'm more motivated, and get more things done. I don't feel so hopeless all of the time. I know I should "heal" with the Savior, therapy, and soul searching, but it is really hard to wait until all of that is done before looking for someone and liking someone. Am I crazy? I tell you, if we had spent all of this time together in person, as long as he bathes, and brushes his teeth, we'd definitely be kissing. I've only been divorced a little over a month, and I already like someone that likes me. Of course there's the whole meeting thing, and who knows when that will happen. There's so much more to say, I hardly know where to start. Is this a rebound relationship? Would I be like this with anyone who paid me attention? I'm praying more and reading my scriptures more so that I am close enough to the spirit to know if I'm doing the right or wrong thing. Of course the kids don't know anything about him. I'm not sure when I'm supposed to tell them. And who knows, this whole thing might be over tomorrow, even though that's very hard to imagine. Having him live so far away seems really safe, but Des keeps telling me he could show up at my door this Saturday. Of course I'll be in Salt Lake City this weekend, which he knows, so that wouldn't be very smart of him! He thinks Darin was abusive, and the only people who have said that have been my parents and siblings, and Elder Oaks (in a talk, not to me personally, obviously). He's revealed many flaws from his past(because I've asked him, the poor guy gets the third degree every day), so I hope he's being honest. If he was lying and trying to impress, I could think of a lot of things I would have left out if I was him. But don't get the wrong idea, he's awesome. Totally awesome, more awesome each day. He's funny, we laugh a lot. He's half Polish, and half Philippino, so he's always calling himself a Philippino Pollock. Are you sick of reading yet? The cat's out of the bag. I'm back on the market people.


  1. Wow Bec. I'm so happy for you. I think if you are reading your scriptures and praying and are close to the spirit, then you will be guided to know what to do and how soon. He sounds wonderful. And so what if it doesn't work out....it gets you up each morning and gives you something to look forward to. I miss you so much. Love you.

  2. I can't believe how much alike we all are, the first thing I was going to say was WOW! I am happy you are having fun. I think it is great that it has given you more motivation. I think it is great that it is making you read your scrips, more and etc. I know you love the Lord and He loves you! So if you continue to stay close to him and take your time, you will know what to do. I love you!!! oh this is mom!

  3. Holy cow, Rebecca, I can't believe you blogged this. Amy told me you met someone and I was wanting to call you but didn't want to force you to tell me. Hmm . . . what to say. As far as the new member thing- that does NOT matter. It seemed you were concerned- unless I misunderstood you. I have known MANY converts and they are no different than life long members. And I think we all know how being a member you whole life can just end up meaning squat in the end. It's all about who people ARE- not who they were. And think about this. He CHOSE to be a member- WELL into his adult life. That is QUITE a decision. I always wonder if I'd be a member if I wasn't raised in the church, and I must say I don't think I would be. I could be wrong, but I think I needed to be raised in the church. So that's my opinion on that. Philippino? Sounds yummy! Have you been able to video chat? I think that would be a good idea if you can't meet right away. It's not in person- but it's a lot closer. I think dating, talking, hanging out is all GOOD and healthy and exactly what you should be doing. I wish he didn't live in Alabama, because I don't want you to meet in 6 months and feel you've wasted time/energy/hopes on something you could've figured out the first date. But everything sounds really good. I fell inlove with Greg over the phone. We spent way more time on the phone than in person before we were engaged. And who's to say when Mr. Right is gonna come around. He came around a lot later for me, who's to say it wouldn't be sooner for you? Anyway. We're all getting ahead of ourselves here. If you feel good about it, do what makes you happy! I love you, Rebecca.

  4. Just finished reading everyones comments!- Oh man, who knew we'd be having these conversations right now! Well you already know what I think- I think it's awesome and cool, and I love it. I agree with the above statements, if you're reading your scrips and praying, close to the spirit, I can't see you doing something REALLY wrong. Heavenly Father will guide you. We all get to our destination in life differently and and at different tempos, no judgement here on how you get there. Just take it nice and slow. There's no hurry, or timer that will beep, you have all the time you want in this relationship to make decisions. love you!

  5. Rebecca I love you and I know and trust your judgement, and I know that you will be listening to that inner voice, and you will be guided by the Holy Ghost. I know that the Lord loves you and that you are doing the right things in your life, so the important thing is to be happy in this life and love the Lord. If this young man makes you happy why not have and enjoy the times you get to spend with him on the phone. Lots of people get to know each other from long distance. You go girl and good for you. Much love grams

  6. Rebecca, I am going to play the part of protective father here for a minute. I'm sorry if it makes you mad, it won't be the first time. I'm seeing some red flags popping up. 1. He has a job that keeps him from attending church "regularly". 2. He is thinking about "quiting" his job so he can settle down. 3. He is always the one that calls you. He very well may be a great guy and if he is everything he says he is then he won't be offended if you ask for "his personal phone number" so you can call him, the "office phone number" where he works so you could call him there (to verify that he works there), the "name of his bishop" and his bihop's phone #, and the name of his ward and stake. If he thinks up excuses to not give you any of that info I would be VERY suspect. Just because somebody confesses things to you that would be hard for someone to admit, and just becuase you personally are attending the temple regularly and have the spirit with you DOES NOT MEAN THAT THIS GUY'S NOT LYING THRU HIS TEETH ON EVERYTHING HE SAYS. Get verification. Put the monkey on my back if you want to. Just say, "My dad is old fashioned and weird and says I should ask these things."
    I love you,

  7. A couple thoughts- ONE- you may have been divorced for only a month...but seriously? It's really almost been a year since everything started happening and divorce was on the horizon. You know? And you've been separated for much longer than a month. The point being- I don't feel like you should think, 'am I moving on too fast?' you know? Anyway- TWO- I'm a little concerned. Are you positive Aliese doesn't read this blog? Cause I know she reads some of the sisters blogs- like Lizzie's, and Lizzie has a link to your blog from hers...etc etc. So, just a thought- she could find out? THREE- I agree with everyone. I think no matter the outcome, this is healthy for you- it's getting you hopeful for a better life and making you feel wanted, not alone, and just happier. I think that is a good thing! I love you!!!!!!!

  8. I agree with Danielle's concerns about Aliese. And as far as not knowing when the right time to tell them: It's when you are totally completely 100% usre that this person is who the Lord wants you to spend the rest of your life with. Kids don't need anyone coming and going who is going to be transient. Even if "transient" means four or five years. If they are not going to stay, your kids don't need to know about them. They've already had someone go once. That's enough. Also, I think your Dad's suggestions are very good. I'm all for you finding someone to be with today, but have you seen the movie "Where the Heart Is"? You don't want to find out too late that he's really a creep.
