Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sewing with Danielle and Tender Mercies

Announcement to the world: Rebecca is sewing a dress. Scary for many reasons. I learned last night why so much of my sewing isn't extremely successful. I mean, I can sew a robe, or an apron, but they don't really have to fit. They're kind of a one size all operation. For example, I made my children robes 2 years ago, and they're still wearing them. They'll probably wear them as teenagers. Back to last night. I'm at Danielle's cutting out the pattern. I look at the arrows and say to Danielle, "Now I don't really need to measure the arrows with the bias do I? Can't I just eyeball it?" Danielle gives me the look, you know the kind, the 'you could but I wouldn't and why would you' look. Sigh. Get the ruler. Measure, adjust, measure, adjust, blah, blah, blah. Sigh again. And then it hits me. This is like cooking. I say to Danielle, "So is this kinda like when someone says they didn't bother to beat their egg whites because it's dumb, and then they wonder why their recipe doesn't turn out?" Danielle laughs. I'm starting to see the light. Next pattern piece. Little circles all over it. I cut it out and am having a feeling these circles mean something. "Uh, Danielle, what are these circles for?" Danielle, "You need to mark them." Me, "All of them? But all of the circles for the different sizes are practically stacked on top of each other. Can I just kind of aim in the middle? I can't even tell them apart." Danielle, sigh. "Rebecca, just do the best you can, try to mark the right size. And then if you have two pieces of fabric, you need to mark both." Rebecca, "Both?!" Sigh again (a really long sigh this time). Ten minutes later after that one pattern piece is finally all marked I say, "No wonder my sewing never turns out." Danielle laughs again, "Oh Rebecca." She says that one a lot lately. Love you Danielle.

Tender mercy of the day, even though last night I decided outright to rebel, and not set my alarm, I woke up at 8:30. Wow. Then I actually got up, even though my kids were asleep, and I didn't have to get up. And then I remembered the garbage. Ahhhhhhh! I have forgotten to take it out two weeks in a row, so needless to say, this might have been the most important thing I do all week, considering we only use paper plates, cups and bowls, so it is truly overflowing. So grateful that I woke up. I'm in awe that the spirit cares about my garbage can.

We've been listening to the Mormon Tabernacle choir this morning and all three of my kids are begging to play with each other a little before school. Sure, go ahead and play with the most important people in your life. Learn to love, share, compromise, create, pretend, and dream. Then we'll do math. Just love homeschool.


  1. So funny. You were cracking me up last night. Just so you know, one of my famous phrases at home was, "Oh Father". You guys are so much alike...:) That's great that you woke up without the alarm!!!! What a blessing. I wish I could naturally wake up at like...6:30. My life would be so much happier. But I am confident that will never happen. Ever. Love you!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. So funny. Your description of you and Danielle sewing together....I can totally imagine. = )

  3. Love this post. You are so spiritual, and listen to your promptings. I also believe that Heavenly Father cares about all things, nomatter how strange. Loved the sewing conversations- funny. I'm proud of you for doing something out of your comfort zone, I hate doing things that I feel uncomfortable or foreign to me, you are very brave!- And I have a feeling the project will turn out wonderful- i love you!

  4. I always knew you were my granddaughter!!! I used to HATE marking the pieces of fabric in sewing 101 and didn't do well in sewing.
    Although I made a couple of nice things. I too can sew aprons etc However I used to make some quite cute clothes for the girls. I also made some shirts for Ed Jr when he was at BYU. My sewing instructor when I repeated the class for the 3rd time just gave me the look that spoke volumes and said Janell you aren't really going to take this again??? Then she said you KNOW how to sew, you just aren't interested in SEWING. Needless to say I still don't sew dresses but I do make quilt tops, and they have to be precise. So I do like to sew, just not clothes for myself. Keep on getting up and then soon it will be a habit and you won't have to think of it anymore. I love you and I am happy you are posting. Hugs grams

  5. Rebecca! I'm so glad you're getting up it the morning! I'm sure it is SO good for you! I'm so glad you're blogging. I realize almost every post that I'm more like you than I realized. I can't believe you have kept going or even attempted a dress. If I got to those circles- forget about it. I stink at sewing and never do the detailed work. And I'm SO WITH YOU on that- I can't see the lines- they're all practically the same- why does it matter! But I saw the light with you when you compared it to cooking. Wow, what a revelation. But it's just not worth it! I'd rather buy a dress at Ross. But good luck! Please post it! Love you!

  6. I LOVED THIS POST!!! It was hilarious. I could picture the whole thing. I am happy you are doing this. You may not do it on a regular basis, but how cool you can do it if you want with your private teacher. I love how Heavenly Father takes care of us! Love you and miss you!!
